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D.2.4. Observability

Exploring properties and patterns of the overall EKG infrastructure

The capability Observability (D.2.4) is part of the capability area Technology Execution in the Technology Pillar.

Exploring properties and patterns of the overall EKG infrastructure

The Observability capability within the Technology Pillar focuses on logging and systems monitoring to ensure a comprehensive view of the EKG's behavior and performance. It encompasses the tools, processes, and practices required to gather and analyze relevant data, enabling effective monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimization of the EKG.

Key aspects of the Observability capability include:

  1. Logging Infrastructure: Establishing a logging infrastructure that captures relevant events and activities within the EKG. This involves configuring log sources, defining log formats, and implementing mechanisms for centralized log collection and storage. Effective logging enables comprehensive visibility into system activities, facilitating debugging and performance analysis.
  2. Monitoring and Alerting: Implementing monitoring tools and techniques to track the health, performance, and availability of the EKG in real-time. This includes defining key performance indicators (KPIs) and setting up alerts to detect anomalies, errors, or potential issues. Monitoring and alerting enable proactive identification and resolution of problems, minimizing disruptions and ensuring optimal EKG performance.
  3. Metrics and Performance Analysis: Collecting and analyzing metrics related to the EKG's performance, resource utilization, and user behavior. This includes monitoring key metrics such as response times, query throughput, data ingestion rates, and user engagement. Metrics and performance analysis provide insights into system behavior and guide optimization efforts.
  4. Distributed Tracing: Implementing distributed tracing mechanisms to capture end-to-end request flows across different components and services within the EKG. Distributed tracing enables the identification of bottlenecks, latency issues, and performance bottlenecks, facilitating effective troubleshooting and optimization.
  5. Log Analysis and Search: Utilizing log analysis and search tools to explore and analyze log data effectively. This involves leveraging advanced querying capabilities, filtering, and visualization techniques to identify patterns, anomalies, and root causes of issues. Log analysis and search support efficient troubleshooting and incident response.
  6. Automation and Integration: Integrating logging and monitoring capabilities into automated workflows and systems. This includes leveraging automation tools and frameworks to streamline log collection, analysis, and alerting processes. Integration with other monitoring systems and incident management tools ensures seamless collaboration and efficient handling of incidents.

By establishing the Observability capability, organizations gain a comprehensive understanding of the EKG's behavior, performance, and potential issues. This enables proactive monitoring, rapid troubleshooting, and optimization to maintain a reliable and high-performing EKG. With effective logging, monitoring, and analysis practices in place, organizations can ensure the smooth operation of the EKG and deliver a superior user experience.


Work in progress


Work in progress. Describe the five levels of maturity for this Capability.


Work in progress. Explain how EKG contributes value and how this capability or capability- enables higher levels of maturity for the EKG (which in turn provides more value to the business)


Work in progress. Explain how things are done today in a non-EKG context


Work in progress. Explain how the given Capability or Capability Area would look like in a mature EKG context.


Work in progress. List examples of use cases that contribute to this capability, making the link to use cases in the catalog at
