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B.4.1. Implementation Approach

Build versus buy decisions.

The capability Implementation Approach (B.4.1) is part of the capability area Organizational Culture in the Organization Pillar.

Build versus buy decisions.

The Implementation Approach capability within the "Organizational Culture" capability area aims to establish a culture that extends to trusted vendors and encompasses a clear understanding of the overall information economy. This includes having a structured view of demand (use cases) and supply (data products) and the data contracts that connect them. Key to this approach is ensuring that each use case and data product is well-defined with a clear scope, objectives, responsibilities, expectations, and a strategic roadmap. This enables the organization to achieve reuse and repurpose at an ecosystem scale.

Key aspects of the Implementation Approach capability include:

  1. Structured View of Demand and Supply: Developing a structured understanding of the overall information economy, with a clear delineation of the demand for information (use cases) and the supply of information (data products). This provides a comprehensive perspective on the organization's knowledge needs and available data assets.
  2. Clear Use Case and Data Product Definition: Ensuring that each use case and data product is well-defined, with a clear scope, objectives, and expected outcomes. This involves articulating the responsibilities and expectations of all stakeholders involved and providing a strategic roadmap that aligns with the organization's goals.
  3. Collaboration at Ecosystem Scale: Fostering collaboration and facilitating reuse and repurpose of resources at the ecosystem scale. This involves creating an environment where use cases and data products can be shared, adapted, and built upon, allowing for increased efficiency, innovation, and scalability.
  4. Strategic Roadmap Alignment: Ensuring that the implementation approach aligns with the strategic roadmap of the organization. This involves integrating the goals, milestones, and priorities of the EKG development and operation into the broader strategic initiatives of the organization, promoting synergy and a unified direction.
  5. Ecosystem-wide Responsibility: Promoting a culture of shared responsibility and accountability across the ecosystem. This includes establishing clear roles and responsibilities for all stakeholders involved in the development, operation, and utilization of the EKG, ensuring effective coordination and collaboration.

By adopting an implementation approach that includes a structured view of demand and supply, well-defined use cases and data products, and a focus on ecosystem-wide reuse and repurpose, organizations can foster a culture of efficiency, innovation, and strategic alignment. This enables the organization to effectively leverage its knowledge assets, drive value creation, and achieve higher levels of maturity for the Enterprise Knowledge Graph.


Work in progress


Work in progress. Describe the five levels of maturity for this Capability.


Work in progress


Work in progress, describe how this capability is possibly being delivered today in a non-EKG context and optionally what the issues are that EKG could or should improve


Work in progress, describe how this capability would be delivered or supported using an EKG approach, making the link to the "how" i.e. the EKG/Method.


Work in progress, list examples of use cases that contribute to this capability, making the link to use cases in the catalog at
