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C.2.2. Business Vocabularies

Terms used to refer to the information by different business communities.

The capability Business Vocabularies (C.2.2) is part of the capability area Data Architecture in the Data Pillar.

Terms used to refer to the information by different business communities.

Business terminology provides non-technical descriptions of an organization’s processes, use cases and data assets. Mapping to ontologies provides the meaning and harmonizes the terms, providing transparency into definitions that helps promote consistency of business terms, identify synonyms and link business content to technical definitions. Agreement on granular meaning by involved stakeholders is essential to managing conceptual nuance across shared applications and linked processes. The business terms used are determined by the use case or context.


Work in progress


Work in progress, this is just the results of an initial brainstorm session, needs to be worked out

  1. Do you have a Change Management plan and is it driving everything?
    • Is your plan related to and driven by your value streams and how it will lead from current to future state?
  2. Do you know which EKG Use Cases you require to implement your Change Management plans?
  3. Is “Positive Learning” in place? Is there a feedback loop of metrics for past performance continuously improving your change management plans? Scale 1-5
    • Can be measured more systematically by understanding how many EKG use cases are reused and involved in each new step along the way


Work in progress, describe the 5 maturity levels of this capability

Contribution to the EKG

The EKG should be updated to reflect changes made to the enterprise as a result of change projects. EKG governance is a set of change processes that should follow a disciplined change approach to protect the integrity and value of the knowledge graph.

Contribution to the Enterprise

The EKG can hold the model of the enterprise to identify potential areas for change to include: discover duplication across business silos, impact analysis of areas targeted to change, impact of regulatory change, impact of entering new markets, impact of scaling the business, impact from major incidents and issues, and can serve as a baseline for evaluating and executing merger/acquisition of new enterprises.

The EKG can hold the information on current state of the enterprise for reuse of information to start the project, ideal state of the enterprise, intended new state of the enterprise after the change is deployed, and updated for actual resulting business knowledge from deploying the change.


Work in progress, describe how this capability is possibly being delivered today in a non-EKG context and optionally what the issues are that EKG could or should improve


Work in progress, describe how this capability would be delivered or supported using an EKG approach, making the link to the "how" i.e. the EKG/Method.


Work in progress, list examples of use cases that contribute to this capability, making the link to use cases in the catalog at
