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The Four Capability Pillars

All capabilities that we measure and assess in the EKG maturity model are categorized in four major categories---also called "pillars"---that match the four primary audiences that are involved:

The Business (Strategy) is leading. In the Business Pillar we discuss (and assess) our capabilities to formulate what our business identity is, our strategy actuation and elaboration and how that relates to business enablers and to the EKG. The other three pillars are facilitating, but in a "Data-centric" and ultimately fully model-driven organization, business strategy gets translated to data strategy and technology strategy gets derived from both. The organization pillar discusses all capabilities that need to be in place to actually get all these strategies executed, with the right planning, budgets, processes and workforce.

These four pillars roughly correspond with the four primary audiences that we are addressing:

  1. Business Pillar: The audience of people on "the business-side"
  2. Organization Pillar: The audience of people that are project managers, trainers or HR, legal, compliance and finance departments
  3. Data Pillar: The audience of people in the data-management and data-governance departments
  4. Technology Pillar: The audience of technologists and engineers

Business Pillar

All Business-side capabilities including Business Strategy Actuation, Business Enablers, Alignment, Business Operating Model and others. Does not include all the other Business Capabilities that an enterprise may have themselves.

Addresses the audience of personas on the business-side of an enterprise, C-level, LOB execs, corporate planners, business architects, management consultants and so forth.

Organization Pillar

All relevant Organizational Capabilities including Executive Leadership, Product Ownership, Delivery Management, Organizational Culture and Organizational Capabilities.

Addresses the audience of people that are neither business, data nor tech such as financial execs and experts, risk execs and experts, program/portfolio/project managers, HR execs and experts and so forth.

Data Pillar

All Data (Management) capabilities including Data Strategy, Data Architecture, Data Quality, and Data Governance.

Addresses the audience of people in the data-management and data-governance departments.

Technology Pillar

All Technology Capabilities including Technology Strategy, Technology Execution, and User Interface.

Addresses the audience of technologists, technical architects, developers, infrastructure execs and experts, security execs and experts etc.
